Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black) and Rami Malik (Mr Robot) both won their best lead Emmys last night. Well deserved in both cases. Loved it when Malik came up to the mike and said "Please tell me you are seeing this too" (that's the last line from the pilot episode).
What's up with Louie Anderson? He's always been on the heavy side but he's not well. Needed help to get up the stairs to the stage.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus accepted her award with a great speech then let out the news that her father passed away Friday. Wow. Gut-punch there.
What's up with Louie Anderson? He's always been on the heavy side but he's not well. Needed help to get up the stairs to the stage.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus accepted her award with a great speech then let out the news that her father passed away Friday. Wow. Gut-punch there.