Flo The Action wrote:don't go there. Obama has done more to improve the environmental issues of the the states in one year in office then all the republicans had done for not only the environment but the economy in 8 years. who do you think has been behind this new downfall of the american way of life? who was in power for 8 years? they don't need more tax cuts to buy new toys they need to end the spending on useless wars and build social programs to support their own population in times of crisis. again with the reactionary BS. you might have read Bush's autobiography but you missed everything unwritten between the lines. Obama is the Brien murray of american politics. Bush is the muckler of AP. can you wrap your head around that one now? he inherited a whole pile of crap and was left with very little to work with. people expect results ina couple of years? i say give him 8 and see the improvements he brings to the american way of life. worse now he's completely blocked by a republican controlled senate. American democracy is a joke. Obama is a shinning light in a sea of garbage. And I HATE POLITICS AND THINK ANY DEMOCRACY OR STATE CONTROLLED POLITICAL SYSTEM IS COMPLETELY Cussed FROM THE GET GO.Big Ev wrote:Hope schmope. Look at how Obama turned out.
sorry about that folks but i'm amazed on how short sighted americans can be about their political system let alone having it regurgitated by fellow Canadians. please ignore my comments if you don't agree, I don't feel like started a debate but if i see something like this It's my civil duty to state my opinions. freedom of speech right? just watch what you say....
While there is no doubt that the Iraq war burdened the American economy with MASSIVE debt, Obama has done equal if not more damage by non stop quantitative easing and corporate buyouts. Obama talks the talk about Main street rather than Wall street, but truth be told, he has been bought and paid for just like Bush and all the reps of both Houses. BUSH=OBAMA=PUPPET