I just got home. Left work at 4:45. ^&*% deomonstration downtown blocked the transitway. I'm mad at the demonstrators, but also at the idiots who let this proceed. It was on since 2;30 -- surely they could have ended it before 5PM???! Someone on the police force should hand in his cushy office chair. And what about the *(&*&%* OC Transpo? I was sitting on the bus for over an hour before words started leaking in from the street that the busses were being rerouted. Bus driver didn't care, just sat there idling his engine the whole time. In the end someone with an OC Transpo jacket came in and told us all to go down to the Laurier station -- I have no idea where that is, I'm a Kanata boy, I've never been past the McKenzie bridge. So we all walk down to the Laurier station and have no idea where to wait for the bus. That's not an intersection you wat to be in the middle of. Caught the first bu I recognized -- the 96. Got off at the Park'n'Ride and ran back to Campeau, just barely caught the 160 and just barely missed getting a coronary (yeah, in retrospect I should have crossed Eagleson and waited for the 160 there, but I had no ide which would come first -- the 60 or the 160).
Rant's over. For now.