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GAME DAY: Ottawa Senators @ Vancouver Canucks - 10:00pm Dec. 28th, 2008

Number Twenty Nine
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COLLAR UP wrote:
jamvan wrote:
COLLAR UP wrote:
jamvan wrote:
COLLAR UP wrote:Do you think LA is insterested in Spezza? If so what would they have to offer?

O'Sullivan...J. Johnson...coming back the other way +
If we trade Spezza, this team is set back even longer. WHy trade teh only guys who are producing.

Face it! We suck, we have no collateral to make trades, teh only way to fix this is through Free Agency and the draft, it won't happen over night like so many naive people think will happen.

Jam what is with your piss attitude lately?

I never said it would be fixed overnight...nor do I want it to really...

I kinda want to see a mini-rebuild and have been saying it for a while...even if this team were to get things going...they are lazy...and lack heart...not the type of team I am interested in...

the reason I brought up LA...was well...EK I thought we have nothing better to why not discuss trade possibilities?

Trading Spezza now may not be the best option...we don't know what is being offered...waiting until the deadline might be the best option...however have you ever stopped to think that when teams know exactly where they stand in the draft it makes it harder...

if you have the #1 pick...(Tavares or Hedman) are you really going to give that up for Spezza?? I know I wouldn't... seems like you maybe have to gamble now...or at the deadline and deal him to a team that has a high possibility of getting the top 2 picks...

anyway...your attitude is just ridiculous lately...and no I am not trying to get in a pissing match...but you come one here lately and just harp on the posters which is just stupid...
It was not addressed to you solely man, so I apologize fo rthat if you took it the wrong way.

All, I'm saying is I'm sick and tired of all tehse trade scenarios where we are giving up the real core and superstars of this team.

Please don't call me stupid either, because what is stupid is all the armchair rumoured trade scenarios which will never happen. I'm entitled to an opinion.

Fair enough...but I think Spezza needs to go if this is in fact a mini re-build...

Also...I didn't refer to you as being I apologize...I was syaing thatharping on people, thus the behaviour, is stupid...not you...

back to

the core isn't doing anything...nor will they...that is the problem...

this core has no desire to nothing...

that being said...Spezza is the guy to go...primarily because he is the one without the NTC...

trading Heatley...even if he would waive would be stupid...sure he isn't playing well either...but we have all seen what he can do...ATL...playing for Canada...and it is hard to come by a winger like that...just ask Crosby...

Spezza's time is coming may not get the highest value...

wait...and maybe nobody wants to dance...or at least for a good price
a) because the draft spots have been determined and no one wants to give up #1 or #2...especially for Spezza
b) his NTC will kick in and teams know Murray may need to unload him for many again not a huge return...

it is a gamble...whichever way you look at it...nonetheless...I think trading Spezza may just be the right thing to do as a re-buil is absolutely necessary for this team...
I don't think you'r elooking at the right guys to move, but again, that's just my opinion. Spezza, Heatley and Alfie are playing with a bunch of hacks and still are producing. IT's the rest of the team that needs revamping. With the exception of those three, Phillips, Picard and Volchenkov...I say the rest of the team can go.

Murray is in a position of weakness, so any move he makes at this point, he's going to get fleeced with. Again, I will state, I wouldn't be surprised if he does absolutely nothing until the off-season.



Dawg's Wife wrote:
From a very reliable source Murray asked LA for Hickey or Tuebert, Quincey and their 1st.

After they stopped laughing they realized he was serious. Apparently he stated that that's the starting price for Spezza and the closer to the deadline it only increases in that the NHL player they would want will escalate in ability from Quincey to maybe Johnson to Doughty.

Seems Murrays inability to trade is also partyly his fault. I don't necessarily blame him though...I wouldn't want to give anyone away right now except maybe Schubert...god was he awful the last 2 games.

Diddle yeah! I love that. That's how you start spreading the seeds out there. All of a sudden LA comes back and say: screw it, you win, we'll give you Teubert and a 1st and now Murray is sitting there with his arms folded saying I said Terbert, Quincey and a 1st motherfucker.

Now, he looks like he's the one not getting fair value (I actually don't love that trade to be honest, but whatever).

At least Murray's sites are set properly. If you trade Spezza, you better get a grab bag full of fun back.



jamvan wrote:
All, I'm saying is I'm sick and tired of all tehse trade scenarios where we are giving up the real core and superstars of this team.

Please don't call me stupid either, because what is stupid is all the armchair rumoured trade scenarios which will never happen. I'm entitled to an opinion.

I got what you were saying for sure. I keep teetering between trading our only good asset and not doing it, but one thing's for sure, if we keep Spezza, I would be very happy to build around he, Heatley, Karlsson and perhaps Weircioch.

I would hope that Alfie has enough time left. So I'd add him in there.

If I felt really lucky, I go with:

O'Brien (maybe!)

Bang. Every single other position needs to be farmed or acquired via trade or free agency - and every single guy has to have talent and drive. Easier said than done, but I can see that as an option.



I would argue that finances dictate you need to move Spezza (I don't necessarily like him at this point, but I'd keep him for now, unless/until the right offer came up). No other move is going to create the space you need (except maybe Fisher, but he's going to be harder, both due to his NTC/NMC and the fan reaction).

I'd also add to your list Kuba - I suspect he's going to be useful for the next year or two at least while the kids develop. Maybe sign him to a short term contract, or longer one at a good salary, then trade in 2y.



Dawg's Wife wrote:I don't hold much stock in any of these rumors. Trade scenarios I don't mind, as long as they are stated as what if's. Talking to Dawg about trades is fun, but he also mentions that a lot of rumors are just that, rumors and don't have a shred of truth to them.

Now with all that said I do think LA could use someone like Spezza and while his value may be down in general, A chance for LA to get a solid 100 point man at centre who they can showcase in LA means something. Don't forget that they have just about the best group of prospects at D of any team in the NHL.

Doughty, Hickey, Teubert, Quincey, Harrold, and Johnson, not to mention guys like Martinez and Voinov rising fast.

That team could easily give up 2 of it's young d-men for a star forward..hell they won't have all those guys in 5 years...can't afford them.

They'd be lucky to keep 3 of those guys soon. Doughty makes 3.5, Hickey will make close, Teubert less, but close. Lord love LA when Quincey's contract comes up after next year and Johnson's coming due this summer.

They need to build around Hickey, Doughty and Teubert and think about perhaps letting some young guys go.

Then they'd have 17 million invested in 3 forwards if they got Spezza. They'd be nuts, but it would be interesting. I bet they offered Johnson to which Murray snickered.



Acrobat wrote:I would argue that finances dictate you need to move Spezza (I don't necessarily like him at this point, but I'd keep him for now, unless/until the right offer came up). No other move is going to create the space you need (except maybe Fisher, but he's going to be harder, both due to his NTC/NMC and the fan reaction).

I'd also add to your list Kuba - I suspect he's going to be useful for the next year or two at least while the kids develop. Maybe sign him to a short term contract, or longer one at a good salary, then trade in 2y.

You can work around the price tag, but it'll mean incredible drafting. It's Fisher's contract that hurts right now, but as BigRig mentioned, I can see him being here when the ship turns around.



I'd also add to your list Kuba - I suspect he's going to be useful for the next year or two at least while the kids develop. Maybe sign him to a short term contract, or longer one at a good salary, then trade in 2y.

While I agree with your evaluation of Kuba's contribution, I can't imagine him resigning with us for cheap after the season he's putting together. Reminds me of how I felt about Stillman, who I wanted to keep but Murray didn't have pegged as a priority.

There is also the chance that someone will want to pick Kuba up heading into the playoffs. However, if that doesn't happen and we can keep him for a reasonable money, we have to go for it. He's one of the few bright spots on the team.



Dean McAmmond was the hardest working Senator last night! That's sad.

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