Many reasons.Cap'n Clutch wrote:My smart TV connects to the home network but not the internet. WTF???? Help please.
1. You are connected to the "xxx-guest" network instead of "xxx". If your modem modem supports guest access that network always connects, but then it redirects the browser to a login page. If your smart TV has a browser, try starting that one up and see if it goes to a login screen. If that's the case, then go to Network settings on your TV and change to the non-guest network.
2. Your wireless router has some kind of access control (like allowing only specifically allowed devices).
3. Your wireless router's DHCP has a limited allowed IP range and you are already maxed out (how many devices do you have on the network already?)
4. You typed in the password incorrectly.
Need more info on your TV type, screenshots of your Network configuration screens, etc.