I guess elections must be just around the corner:
Quick question: how many of you knew the Tory leader's name before reading this?
On Monday, party leader Tim Hudak left the door open to return to "a buck a beer" — or $24 per case of 24 beers.
While Hudak wouldn't commit to the policy change, he said rising beer prices "are just one of the many things hitting Ontario families in the pocket."
"I do hear from people who say 'Come on, I can't even get a buck a beer in this province thanks to Dalton McGuinty's policies," said Hudak.
Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan ended the $24 case in late 2008, when he asked the Liquor Control Board of Ontario to hike the minimum price to $25.60 (it has since risen to $25.95 excluding deposits for bottles). A letter released at the time showed Duncan was acceding to a demand by the brewing industry.
Read more: http://www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Ontario+beer+expensive+Tory+leader+says/4238636/story.html#ixzz1DNHKhij8
Quick question: how many of you knew the Tory leader's name before reading this?