so yeah the talk is apparently heating up again. exept now it seems to have a better price tag. this from hockey 30
montreal is offering A and S K with d'agostini and mara for lecavalier and walker.
now if this rumour is true(no smoke without a fire, and with the habs having a lot of love for vinny) it sounds like it's just a few pieces they are arguing about. if it's true.
i don't doubt that gainey dosen't fall asleep without thinking of vinny(and his job it would save) but i wonder what they would do with 3 centers in gomez, vinny and pleckanek..? if i'm the habs i try and sign pleckanek now and if he doesn't move him while his value is high. could get quite a nice return for him, being the best habs at the moment... but i aint bob.
traslate that tampa wants andrei & seirgei with lapierre and mara for lecavalier, walker and foster.Mercredi, 02 Décembre 2009
Selon Tricolore/CHFans, les Molson ont Lecavalier en tête de liste de leurs priorités. Les nouveaux propriétaires voudraient mettre la main sur le joueur étoile le plus rapidement possible.
Deux conférences téléphoniques auraient eu lieu avec Tampa et les 2 équipes seraient prêts à préparer cette transaction d'ici peu.
Tampa désirerait Andrei et Sergei, Lapierre et Mara pour Lecavalier, Wlaker et Foster.
Montréal offrirait Andrei et Sergei, D'Agostini et Mara pour Lecavalier et Walker.
Avec la situation actuelle de la défensive du CH, une transaction est presqu'inévitable. Avec le retour plus rapide que prévu de Markov, les Canadiens ont maintenant sous contrat un nombre impressionnant de défenseurs: Spacek, Gorges, Hamrlik, Gill, Mara, Bergeron, O'Byrne.
montreal is offering A and S K with d'agostini and mara for lecavalier and walker.
now if this rumour is true(no smoke without a fire, and with the habs having a lot of love for vinny) it sounds like it's just a few pieces they are arguing about. if it's true.
i don't doubt that gainey dosen't fall asleep without thinking of vinny(and his job it would save) but i wonder what they would do with 3 centers in gomez, vinny and pleckanek..? if i'm the habs i try and sign pleckanek now and if he doesn't move him while his value is high. could get quite a nice return for him, being the best habs at the moment... but i aint bob.