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GROIN days of summer

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1GROIN days of summer Empty GROIN days of summer Wed Sep 24, 2008 2:27 pm



Seems the infamous groin injury has taken down another star

The Montreal Canadiens will not have last season's leading scorer in the lineup tonight against the Detroit Red Wings, as RDS reports Alex Kovalev tweaked his groin and is doubtful for the game.

Kovalev, who scored 35 goals and 84 points last season, was penciled in on a preseason line with centre Robert Lang and winger Guillaume Latendresse.

The Canadiens have four projected regulars out of lineup with groin problems, as Kovalev joins Roman Hamrlik, Patrice Brisebois and Georges Laraque on the shelf.

Joining Lang and Latendresse in the lineup will be defencemen Francis Bouillon, Andrei Markov and Mike Komisarek along with Tom Kostopoulos and Chris Higgins.

Carey Price will make his first start of the preseason against the Red Wings - their third game in as many nights. The team lost 8-3 to the Boston Bruins in Halifax on Monday and edged Buffalo 3-2 in Roberval, Quebec on Tuesday night.

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