How long have you been in that house? 2006 was the highest total fall precipitation; 2009 was the highest (over the last 30-odd years) for summer. Total winter precipitation looks to be on the decline.
Bottom line, if you've been there for 7 years you've seen the worst we've had, and if you haven't had a leak yet, is there really a worry? The "damange" is not recent is it?
Just make sure that your grade is good -- if not, get some soil and fix it (something I have to do pretty darn now).
Bottom line, if you've been there for 7 years you've seen the worst we've had, and if you haven't had a leak yet, is there really a worry? The "damange" is not recent is it?
Just make sure that your grade is good -- if not, get some soil and fix it (something I have to do pretty darn now).