Not really in terms of gameplay. I can't really find a game that compares to Dark Souls. It's the most difficult game you'll play in this generation. There's no checkpoint every 5 min like in most games. Sometimes you play 15 min, you reach a boss, die in the first minute. You respawn at the last checkpoint and all the ennemies you just killed are back alive and you have to re-do everything
I've never seen something like this. Every single ennemy in the game can kill you if you are not focused. If you're the frustrated kind, don't bother. But the reward is so amazing.
There are millions of things you can do to your character in terms of customization. Everytime you kill an ennemy you are rewarded with Souls points. You use them to level up. You can level up any stat you want (endurance, dexterity, strength, intelligence etc). THere won't be enough points to upgrade every single stat though, so you'll have to decided what kind of character you want. A fast weak one, a more balanced, or a slow powerful dude. You have a choice of about 10 styles of character at the beginning of the game (Knight, pyromancer, thief, sorcerer, etc)
For instance, if you don't have enough endurance on your stats, you will not be able to swing your weapon as much as you want or block attacks repeatidly. So if your ennemy attacks and all you do is block your shield will damage and you won't have the stamina to hold it forever. On the other hand, you may have a lot of endurance but you will not have enough strength to hold a very heavy weapon.
Every weapon, armour, helmet, gloves, pants shield etc is upgradable. And there are hundreds of them. If you check online and ask the community which is the best armour, weapon etc, you will not have the same answer. Because there is no such thing. It depends on what kind of player you are and how you like to play.