SpezDispenser wrote:hemlock wrote:Why is #1 an option? What obligation do you have to attend your spouse's X-mas party? Get a sitter, tell her to have fun at the party, and spend the night with buddies, doing rails off of a hookers Donkey.
Seriously though, the question isn't what is should you do, the question is, why do you even remotely consider work on the same level of importance as family?
:^^^^: Hahahah. Oh...man...you're not married, right Hemlock? You have to attend everything that she does - more or less. My wife is going to somehappySocial Tea or something and I don't go to that, but an office party? You bet you're going.
The thing here is, she's also Clutch's sister-in-law, so you skip the office function and enjoy your immediate family. That's my opinion anyway.
I'm married with 3 kids. I've never (nor would I ever) attend a function for my wife's work. She does not hang out with work people, and would consider them coworkers and not friends. I'm not about to spend an evening during the holiday season (or anytime really) pretending to be interested in what some jerkoff in the sales/engineering department has to say.
My post was partially in jest, but during the holidays especially, family trumps everything. That's it. I could see Clutch's wife having to attend. But him? Nope. He has kids. That's the best built in excuse for getting out of anything, ever. I've used that as an excuse so many times, under so many circumstances I've lost count.
You don't want to go Clutch? Your child has the runs and you can't find a sitter willing to spend the night on mop up duty. Problem solved. As long as your wife doesn't mind, noone can hold it against you.