Hoags wrote:tim1_2 wrote:
Yeah, the "free" ride will probably be crippled at some point. But the logic to not switch because that may happen "eventually" is bat Dung challenged. It’s very easy to switch - all the same hardware works, and you don't need a tech visit. So, you could get better, cheaper service starting now with the threat of (OHNO) having to switch back eventually, or you could just stick with craptacular Bell or Rogers, because that's who you think you'll end up having to use inevitably.
I hear switching is a pain in the Donkey.
Rogers cuts you off early so you can have days without internet until teksavvy is turned on, not to mention when they disconnect your rogers internet they kill your TV as well by accident.
I might switch soon as we nearly hit our 60GB limit watching Netflix HD, lucky we had 1.5 GB left and it rolls over today.
I switched from Bell DSL to TekSavvy DSL and it was seamless. I have no personal experience with their cable service, other than a couple friends that had no issue switching..and no significant (more than a day) gap in service.