What the H E Double Hockey Sticks is a freakin' FIGHTING MONTAGOOSE? Well the truth is no one has ever gotten definitive evidence to prove it's existance however, it has been known to enjoy spending time with both Elvis and Bigfoot on occasion. There have been several reported sightings in places such as How-downs and Hootenanys. Seriously though it's actually a cross between a Tim "Buzz" Kilpatrick mispronounciation (Buzz pronounced Mongoose as Monagoose) and a Futurama reference ( Futurama's Philip Fry "...Fighting Mongooses, that's a cool team name..."). Why not a Fighting Monagoose instead of MonTagoose? Well lets just have the T stand for Tim and leave it at that? To be honest it was a mistake on my part but from now on the T will stand for Tim.
GM Hockey